Frequently Asked (User) Questions¶
Why can I only export WebM movies from the 3D viewer?¶
There is currently no easy way to generate other formats from within a browser.
Besides, WebM is a reasonable effort to standardize and it seems to be the
future play-everywhere codec. However, you can use other tools to convert the
generated WebM movie to your preferred video format (e.g. to play it in
PowerPoint). A convenient GUI tool to do this is
Handbrake. Alternatively, if you prefer the command
line, you could use ffmpeg
ffmpeg -y -i input.webm -vcodec libx264
or avconv:
avconv -i input.webm -vcodec copy
Also note that ffmpeg
(or rather the H264 codec) expects the input to have
a width and height of an even number. To crop the input movie on the fly, the
following option can be added: -filter:v "crop=<width>:<height>:0:0"
replacing <width>
and <height>
with the desired width and height in
What are skeleton source subscriptions?¶
Many tracing related widgets allow to react to changes in skeleton lists in other widgets. Widgets supporting this got a new small chain icon in their title bar with which a subscription management user interface can be shown and hidden. Widgets that contain multiple sources, like the connectivity matrix, have one icon per source. A hover title will show which one to use for each source.
The UI allows to add subscriptions to multiple sources which can then be combined through set operations. Currently sources are combined in a strict left-associative fashion from top to bottom of the list. When “Override existing” is checked, widget local skeletons are not used when subscriptions are refreshed and will subsequently be removed. Otherwise, the local set is united with the first subscription before all other subscription sources are applied.
The scope of individual subscriptions can be adjusted: By default each subscription reacts to skeletons added, removed and updated in a source. The “Filter” selection allows to listen to only one of these events. For instance, subscribing to the active skeleton with the “Only additions” filter, allows to collect skeletons selected active skeletons without removing them again from a widget.
By default, only selected skeletons are subscribed to. This means if a skeleton becomes unselected in a source it is removed from the target widget. If the “Only selected” checkbox is unchecked, also unselected skeletons are added to a target widget. They are removed when skeletons are removed from the source and their selection state is synced.
How to make a local copy of image data available?¶
CATMAID represents multiple copies of image data as so-called stack mirrors. Which mirror is used can be selected in the image layer settings dialog, which can be opened through the little blue-white square button in the lower left corner of a stack viewer. Besides mirrors configured by an administrator, it is also possible to add custom mirrors. Custom mirrors are persisted in a browser cookie and will be available after reloading CATMAID. The ‘Add’ button in the ‘Custom mirror’ section of the layer settings will bring up a dialog where a new custom mirror can be added. Nearly all required fields are pre-populated from an existing mirror, only a URL has to be added.
The image data available from this URL has to match the properties in the
dialog, which should normally be the case if the image data is a copy of an
existing image stack. Additionally, it is recommended that this data is made
available through HTTPS. As an example, a common use case is to have a copy of
the image data set on an external USB SSD drive. To make this data available to
CATMAID, a local webserver has to be started. An easy way to do this is to grab
a copy of a simple Python server script available from the
CATMAID source repository.
Save a copy of this script in the root folder of the USB SDD along with a copy
of the
which is available from the same location and should be placed next to the
script. Next navigate with a terminal to the root of the
image data and execute the Python script:
python 8090 ./localhost.pem
The first argument is the port on which the server will be made available and the second argument is the downlaoded previously SSL certificate. If everything works as expected, the URL to put in CATMAID’s custom mirror dialog should be:
If the image data is not directly available in the USB SDD’s root, the relative path has to be added to the URL.
How to create the small overview images in the lower right corner?¶
It is possible to show a small overview image of the current section in the
lower right corner. Generally, CATMAID looks for them as small.<extension>
(e.g. small.jpg
) using the (remote) path for the current Z coordinate and
makes the file fit into 192x192px. These files can be created of course in many
ways and here is one waay doing ths using graphicsmagick
(or alternatively
It makes sense to use the highest zoom level as possible, becasue we make the image only smaller and the less data to process the quicker we have our images. Also, in this simple example, it means that we don’t need to combine tiles and only have to deal with a single image.
Let’s assume we have nine zoom levels and the data will occupy only one tile at
this zoom level, i.e. the highest value displayed in the UI as z-index is 8,
because zoom-levels are zero-indexed. Like said above, CATMAID wants these files
to fit into 192x192px, so we need to find out how much we need to scale the
zoom-level. However, at this zoom level, there will be zome extra void data,
because the scaled-down dataset is less wide than the defined tile width. If we
know our image data has a larger width than height, we can compute the actual width
of the data at zoom-level 9 through
. This can be used to
obtain the scale factor required for the 192x overview image, which in turn can
be used to find out by how much to scale a tile at that zoom level so that the
data it contains fits into the 192x192px overview image:
new_tile_width = (192 / (<dataset-width-at-zoom-0>/2**<zoom-level-to-use>)) * <tile-width>
For instance, a dataset that has a width of 135200 at zoom level zero, a tile size of 1024px and nine zoom levels:
744.55 = (192 / (135200/2**9)) * 1024
From a tile that is scaled to this width, we would then only use the top left
cutout for the overview, the rest is empty data. This can be done using
tool (of the graphicsmagick
or imagemagick
convert /path/to/input/tile/ -resize <data-width-at-zoom>x -gravity NorthWest -extent <overview-width>x<overview-height> /path/to/z/directory/small.<extension>
Sticking to the example above, and assuming data in a tile source type type 4
(“Backslash tile source”) directory structure under /data/tiles/
and file
extension jpg
, this command could look like the following to generate the
overview for section 0:
convert /data/tiles/0/9/0_0.jpg -resize 745x -gravity NorthWest -extent 192x170 /data/tiles/0/small.jpg
To run this for the whole image stack, a small Bash loop can be used:
for f in (ls /data/tiles/); do convert /data/tiles/f/9/0_0.jpg -resize 745x -gravity NorthWest -extent 192x170 /data/tiles/$f/small.jpg; done
Note that the 170px height of the the overview image can be computed by scaling the original data so that its width fits into 192px. If the data was taller than wide, the height would be 192px and the width adjusted.