Tom Kazimiers with an introduction to CATMAID at NEUBIAS Academy 2021
Stephan Saalfeld talking about CATMAID, TrakEM2 and ImgLib2
Demonstration of some of the neuron shading options in CATMAID's 3D viewer (v2015.12.12)
This is the central settings widget of CATMAID (v2015.12.12).
Clustering widget for ontology based classification graphs (v2015.12.12)
3D view of the 72 hpf
HT9-4 larva showing fully-traced peptidergic neurons identified by
siGOLD. This movie was published under a
CC-BY Licence and was created by
Shaidi et. al. as part of the publication "A serial multiplex immunogold
labeling method for identifying peptidergic neurons in connectomes",
published 15 Dec 2015 in eLife.
The CATMAID User Interface with skeleton annotations and tags¶