
The direction of future CATMAID development depends on research goals and wishes expressed by its users. To get a better big picture view, some of these ideas are listed below. This roadmap document is a loose collection of features, changes and bug fixes that we hope can be tackled in a future release. This list is not exhaustive and a more detailed list can be found in our issue tracker. It tries to be more accessible and somewhat representative of the general direction of development:

  • Consistent support for data from servers other than the regular back-end, e.g. being able to load remote skeletons into all widgets.

  • Mobile version: for browsing and analysis, not for reconstruction or proofreading.

  • Simulation widget

  • Catalysis widget for comparing and grouping neurons left-right and by lineage

  • Expand the list of tools for cross-linking data sets.

  • Ensure scalability to mouse brain dimensions and number of neurons