R setup for NBLAST and related tools¶
CATMAID can make use of R to provide support for NBLAST and NRRD export of
neurons. To talk to R, CATMAID uses the rpy2
library, which is an optional
dependency. If it isn’t found, CATMAID will print a warning that NBLAST support
is disabled to the log. Before rpy2
can be installed, a recent version of R
needs to be installed first. The instruction below focus on Ubuntu 16.04, but
should be similar for other operating systems.
Installing a recent version of R¶
Add the R 4.0 repository along with its public keys:
sudo gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-key E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
sudo gpg -a --export E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9 | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu focal-cran40/'
Install R and its development packages as well as two additional dependencies that are required to install all needed R packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev \
libssl-dev libssh2-1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev cmtk
After a few moments an R version usable by rpy2
should be installed and the
next steps focus on the CATMAID setup.
Installing CATMAID’s R dependencies¶
With the virtualenv
activated, install rpy2
pip install rpy2
With recent R versions, this should succeed without problems. Next, the R
packages providing the NBLAST implementation need to be installed. It is
improtant to to make these installed R packages accessible to both the active
user and the user running the WSGI server or Celery. This can be done by
installing the libraries either system wide (sudo -i R
) or, preferred, to
create a shared folder that can be used with R both from the command line and
mkdir <catmaid-path>/django/projects/r_libs
The actual location doesn’t matter as long as it is accessible by the current
user and by the user running CATMAID and Celery. To make R recognize this
library folder from the command line, the environment variable R_LIBS_USER
needs to be set to the new folder:
export R_LIBS_USER=<catmaid-path>/django/projects/r_libs
If R is started now, it will also use this directory in its list of library
paths. To make CATMAID aware of this as well, add the following the
R_LIBS_USER = '<catmaid-path>/django/projects/r_libs/'
os.environ['R_LIBS_USER'] = R_LIBS_USER
With this in place, the NBLAST R dependencies can be installed. Since this
includes quite a few packages in their development version, one optional step is
recommended before we do this though: setting the GITHUB_PAT
variable to a valid Personal Access Token for your GitHub account (if you have
one). Such a token can be generated in the “Developer settings” section of
the User settings view. With a PAT generated, make it available in the current
export GITHUB_PAT='<a-random-string-of-letters-and-digits'
Like said above, this is optional, but might speed up the installation a bit. With this done, it should be enough to call the following management command to install all needed R dependencies into the new R library folder:
manage.py catmaid_setup_nblast_environment
If this was successful, CATMAID should now able to talk to R.
If a system-wide installation is used, the installation has to be done manually:
$ sudo -i R # Or just R if R_LIBS_USER is used
> install.packages(c("doMC", "R6", "rgl", "plyr"))
> devtools::install_github(c("natverse/nat", "natverse/nat.nblast",
> "natverse/rcatmaid", "natverse/fafbseg", "natverse/elmr",
> "natverse/nat.templatebrains", "natverse/nat.flybrains",
> "natverse/nat.jrcbrains"))
> nat.jrcbrains::download_saalfeldlab_registrations()
> nat.flybrains::download_jefferislab_registrations()
If each command was successful, every user on the system should now be able to run CATMAID related R code.
Using NBLAST and other R based tools¶
The front-end will provide support for NBLAST mainly through the “Neuron Similarity” widget. Everything should work with the default configuration.
R can execute some functionality in parallel (e.g. computing NBLAST scores). The
number of parallel processes is set to one by default, but can optionally be
configured using the MAX_PARALLEL_ASYNC_WORKERS
setting, e.g.:
The NRRD access functions need slightly more setup at the moment. In order to
use them, a small set of additional variables need to be set in the
configuration file. The complete URL of the CATMAID instance is
CATMAID_FULL_URL = "https://example.com/catmaid/"
And if basic HTTP authentication is in use, the following needs to be set as well:
CATMAID_HTTP_AUTH_USER = "<http-auth-user>"
CATMAID_HTTP_AUTH_PASS = "<http-auth-password>"
This is not ideal and likely to change in the future, but for now this is needed. For some operations CATMAID has R connect to itself through HTTP.