API ReferenceΒΆ




Tag: api-token-auth

Operation Description
POST /api-token-auth/

Generate an authorization token to use for API requests.

Tag: client

Operation Description
GET /client/datastores/

List key-value store datastores used by the client.

POST /client/datastores/

Create a key-value store datastore for the client.

DELETE /client/datastores/{name}

Delete a key-value store datastore for the client.

GET /client/datastores/{name}/

List key-value data in a datastore for the client.

PUT /client/datastores/{name}/

Create or replace a key-value data entry for the client.

Tag: neurons

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/neurons/

List neurons matching filtering criteria.

POST /{project_id}/neurons/from-models

Retrieve neuron IDs modeled by particular entities, eg skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/neurons/{neuron_id}/rename

Rename a neuron.

Tag: nodes

Operation Description
POST /{project_id}/nodes/

Retrieve all nodes intersecting a bounding box

POST /{project_id}/nodes/find-labels

List nodes with labels matching a query, ordered by distance.

POST /{project_id}/nodes/location

Get locations for a particular set of nodes in a project.

Tag: pointclouds

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/

List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.

POST /{project_id}/pointclouds/

List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.

PUT /{project_id}/pointclouds/

Create a new pointcloud by providing.

GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/

Return a point cloud.

DELETE /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/

Delete a point cloud.

GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/images/{image_id}/

Return a point cloud.

Tag: points

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/points/

List points, optionally constrained by various properties.

PUT /{project_id}/points/

Add a new point. Expect at least the location as parameters.

GET /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Return details on one particular point.

POST /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Update one particular point.

DELETE /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Delete one particular point.

Tag: samplers

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/samplers/

Get a collection of available samplers.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/add

Create a new sampler for a skeleton.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/connectors/

Get a list of connectors that already have a state associated with them.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/connectors/states/

Get a list of all available connectors states and their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/states/

Get a list of all available interval states.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/connectors/{connector_id}/set-state

Set state of sampler connector

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/details

Get details on a particular interval.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/set-state

Set state of an interval.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/types/

Get a list of all available domain types.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/details

Get details on a particular domain.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/intervals/

Get a collection of available sampler domains intervals.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/intervals/add-all

Create all intervals in a particular domain.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/states/

Get a list of all available sampler states and their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/

Get details on a particular sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/

Set fields of a particular sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/delete

Delete a sampler if permissions allow it.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/

Get a collection of available sampler domains.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/add

Create a new domain for a sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/add-all

Create a new domain for a sampler.

Tag: similarity

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/similarity/configs/

List all available NBLAST configurations.

PUT /{project_id}/similarity/configs/

Create a new similarity/NBLAST configuration either by providing

GET /{project_id}/similarity/configs/{config_id}/

Delete a NBLAST configuration.

DELETE /{project_id}/similarity/configs/{config_id}/

Delete a NBLAST configuration.

GET /{project_id}/similarity/queries/

List all available NBLAST similarity tasks.

POST /{project_id}/similarity/queries/similarity

Compare two sets of objects (skeletons or point clouds) and return an

GET /{project_id}/similarity/queries/{similarity_id}/

Get a particular similarity query result.

DELETE /{project_id}/similarity/queries/{similarity_id}/

Delete a NBLAST similarity task.

Tag: skeleton

Operation Description
POST /{project_id}/skeleton/connectivity_matrix

Return a sparse connectivity matrix representation for the given skeleton

Tag: skeletons

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/skeletons/

List skeletons matching filtering criteria.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/cable-length

Get the cable length of a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/compact-detail

Get a compact treenode representation of a list of skeletons, optionally

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/confidence-compartment-subgraph

Get a synaptic graph between skeletons compartmentalized by confidence.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity

Retrieve a list of down/up-stream partners of a set of skeletons.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity-counts

Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity-counts

Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity_matrix/csv

Return a CSV file that represents the connectivity matrix of a set of row

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/import

Import a neuron modeled by a skeleton from an uploaded file.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/in-bounding-box

Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/in-bounding-box

Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/node-labels

Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/node-labels

Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/review-status

Retrieve the review status for a collection of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/sampler-count

Get the number of samplers associated with each skeleton in the passed in

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/within-spatial-distance

Find skeletons within a given L-infinity distance of a treenode.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/cable-length

Get the cable length for a skeleton

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/compact-detail

Get a compact treenode representation of a skeleton, optionally with the

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/find-labels

List nodes in a skeleton with labels matching a query.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/neuroglancer

Export a morphology-only skeleton in neuroglancer's binary format.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/node-overview

Get information on a skeleton's treenodes, reviews and labels.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/open-leaves

List open leaf nodes in a skeleton.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/review

Export skeleton as a set of segments with per-node review information.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/root

Retrieve ID and location of the skeleton's root treenode.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/sampler-count

Get the number of samplers associated with this skeleton.

Tag: stats

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/stats/cable-length

Get the largest skeletons based on cable length.

GET /{project_id}/stats/editor

Get the total number of edited nodes per user.

GET /{project_id}/stats/nodecount

Get the total number of created nodes per user.

GET /{project_id}/stats/user-history

Get per user contribution statistics

Tag: transactions

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/transactions/

Get a collection of all available transactions in the passed in project.

GET /{project_id}/transactions/location

Try to associate a location in the passed in project for a particular

Tag: groups

Operation Description
GET /groups/

List all available point clouds.

Tag: treenodes

Operation Description
POST /{project_id}/treenodes/compact-detail

Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of elements of the

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/compact-detail

Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of the following form

POST /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/confidence

Update confidence of edge between a node to either its parent or its

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/info

Retrieve skeleton and neuron information about this treenode.

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/

List suppressed virtual nodes along the edge to this node.

POST /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/

Suppress a virtual treenode along the edge to this node.

DELETE /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/{suppressed_id}

Unsuppress a virtual treenode.

Tag: volumes

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/volumes/

Get a collection of all available volumes.

POST /{project_id}/volumes/add

Create a new volume

POST /{project_id}/volumes/entities/

Retrieve a mapping of volume IDs to entity (class instance) IDs.

POST /{project_id}/volumes/import

Import triangle mesh volumes from an uploaded files.

GET /{project_id}/volumes/skeleton-innervations

Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query

POST /{project_id}/volumes/skeleton-innervations

Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query

POST /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/

Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

DELETE /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/

Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

GET /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/export\.(P{extension}\w+)

Export volume as a triangle mesh file.

GET /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/intersect

Test if a point intersects with the bounding box of a given volume.

Tag: projects

Operation Description
GET /projects/

List projects visible to the requesting user.

GET /projects/export

Detailed list of projects visible to the requesting user.

Tag: analytics

Operation Description
POST /{project_id}/analytics/broken-section-nodes

List nodes that are located in a broken section.

Tag: annotations

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/annotations/

List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/

List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/forskeletons

Get annotations and who used them for a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/query

Query annotations linked to a list of objects.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/query-targets

Query entities based on various constraints

Tag: connectors

Operation Description
POST /{project_id}/connectors/

Get a collection of connectors.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/in-bounding-box

Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in

POST /{project_id}/connectors/in-bounding-box

Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in

GET /{project_id}/connectors/links/

Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/connectors/links/

Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/types/

Get a list of available connector types.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/user-info

Return information on a treenode connector edge.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/{connector_id}/

Get detailed information on a connector and its partners

Tag: interpolatable-sections

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/interpolatable-sections/

Get all section locations for all orientations.

Tag: labels

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/labels/

List all labels (front-end node tags) in use.

GET /{project_id}/labels/detail

List all labels (front-end node tags) in use alongside their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/labels/stats

Get usage statistics of node labels.

GET /{project_id}/labels/{node_type}/{node_id}/

List all labels (front-end node tags) attached to a particular node.

Tag: landmarks

Operation Description
GET /{project_id}/landmarks/

List available landmarks, optionally only the ones in a set of landmark

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/

Add a new landmark. Expect at least the name as parameter.

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/

List available landmark groups.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/

Add a new landmarkgroup. Expect at least the name as parameter.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/import

Import and link landmarks, landmark groups and locations.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/links/

Link a location group to another landmark group. If the passed in

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/links/{link_id}/

Delete the link between two landmark groups. Won't delete links that

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/materialize

Create all passed in landmarks along with a set of groups in one go.

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/

Get details on one particular landmarkgroup group, including its

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/

Update an existing landmark group.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Link a location to a landmark group.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Remove the link between a location and a landmark group.

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/transitively-linked

Get a list of landmark groups that are transitively linked to the

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Get details on one particular landmark.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Update an existing landmark.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Delete one particular landmark.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/groups/{group_id}/

Delete the link between a location and a landmark and a group and a

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/locations/

Add a new location or use an existing one and link it to a landmark.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Delete the link between a location and a landmark. If the last link



Type: basic


Generate an authorization token to use for API requests.

POST /api-token-auth/

Tags: api-token-auth

Generate an authorization token to use for API requests.

Use your user credentials to generate an authorization token for querying the API. This token is tied to your account and shares your permissions. To use this token set the Authorization HTTP header to "Token " concatenated with the token string, e.g.:

Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b

Requests using token authorization are not required to set cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token headers.

Requests using this token can do anything your account can do, so do not distribute this token or check it into source control.

201 Created
List key-value store datastores used by the client.

GET /client/datastores/

Tags: client

List key-value store datastores used by the client.

200 OK
Create a key-value store datastore for the client.

POST /client/datastores/

Tags: client

Create a key-value store datastore for the client.

The request user must not be anonymous and must have browse, annotate or administer permissions for at least one project.



String key for the datastore. This will be used in URLs so may only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

formData string
201 Created
Delete a key-value store datastore for the client.

DELETE /client/datastores/{name}

Tags: client

Delete a key-value store datastore for the client.

Must be a super user to perform.

name path string
204 No Content
List key-value data in a datastore for the client.

GET /client/datastores/{name}/

Tags: client

List key-value data in a datastore for the client.

Returns key-values belong to the request user or no user, optionally filtering for those pairs belong to a specific project or no project.


String key for the datastore with which this key-value entry is associated.

path string

ID of a project to associate this data with, if any.

query integer
200 OK
Create or replace a key-value data entry for the client.

PUT /client/datastores/{name}/

Tags: client

Create or replace a key-value data entry for the client.

Each entry is associated with a datastore, an optional project, an optional user, and a key. Creating a request that duplicates this quadruple will replace rather than create the value in the key-value pair.

Entries associated with neither a project nor user are considered global; those associated with a project but no user are project- default; those associated with a user but no project are user-default; and those associated with both a project and a user are user-project specific. When listing key-value data, all four of these values, if existing, will be returned.



String key for the datastore with which this key-value entry is associated.

path string

ID of a project to associate this data with, if any.

formData integer

Whether to associate this key-value entry with the instance rather than the request user. Only project administrators can do this for project-associated instance data, and only super users can do this for global data (instance data not associated with any project).

formData boolean

A key for this entry.

formData string

A value for this entry. Must be valid JSON.

formData string
200 OK
List all available point clouds.

GET /groups/

Tags: groups

List all available point clouds.



Return only groups this user is member of.

formData integer
200 OK
List projects visible to the requesting user.

GET /projects/

Tags: projects

List projects visible to the requesting user.

200 OK
Detailed list of projects visible to the requesting user.

GET /projects/export

Tags: projects

Detailed list of projects visible to the requesting user.

200 OK
List nodes that are located in a broken section.

POST /{project_id}/analytics/broken-section-nodes

Tags: analytics

List nodes that are located in a broken section.

Broken secrions of all stacks linked to the current project are tested if they contain any nodes. Stack orientatins are respected. Optionally, only particular skeletons can be checked.


project_id path string

List of skeleton IDs to constrain tests on

formData string[]
201 Created
List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

GET /{project_id}/annotations/

Tags: annotations

List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

The result set is the intersection of annotations matching criteria (the criteria are conjunctive) unless stated otherwise.


project_id path string

A list of (meta) annotations with which which resulting annotations should be annotated with.

formData string[]

A list of entity IDs (like annotations and neurons) that should be annotated by the result set.

formData string[]

A list of annotation that have to be used alongside the result set.

formData string[]

Result annotations have to be used by this user.

formData integer

Result annotations will annotate this neuron.

formData integer

Result annotations will annotate the neuron modeled by this skeleton.

formData integer

A list of annotation names that will be excluded from the result set.

formData string[]
200 OK
List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/

Tags: annotations

List annotations matching filtering criteria that are currently in use.

The result set is the intersection of annotations matching criteria (the criteria are conjunctive) unless stated otherwise.


project_id path string

A list of (meta) annotations with which which resulting annotations should be annotated with.

formData string[]

A list of entity IDs (like annotations and neurons) that should be annotated by the result set.

formData string[]

A list of annotation that have to be used alongside the result set.

formData string[]

Result annotations have to be used by this user.

formData integer

Result annotations will annotate this neuron.

formData integer

Result annotations will annotate the neuron modeled by this skeleton.

formData integer

A list of annotation names that will be excluded from the result set.

formData string[]
201 Created
Get annotations and who used them for a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/forskeletons

Tags: annotations

Get annotations and who used them for a set of skeletons.

This method focuses only on annotations linked to skeletons and is likely to be faster than the general query. Returns an object with two fields: "annotations", which is itself an object with annotation IDs as fields, giving access to the corresponding annotation names. And the field "skeletons" is also an object, mapping skeleton IDs to lists of annotation-annotator ID pairs. Also, as JSON separator a colon is used instead of a comma.


project_id path string

A list of skeleton IDs which are annotated by the resulting annotations.

formData string[]
201 Created
Query annotations linked to a list of objects.

POST /{project_id}/annotations/query

Tags: annotations

Query annotations linked to a list of objects.

These objects can for instance be neurons, annotations or stack groups. From a database perspective, these objects are class instances.

Returned is an object with the fields "entities" and "annotations". The former is an object mapping an entity ID to a list of annotations. Each annotation is represented by an object containing its "id" and "uid", the user who annotated it. The latter maps annotation IDs to annotation names. For instance::

{ "entities": { "42": [{id: 1, uid: 12}, {id: 3, uid: 14}] }, "annotations": { 12: "example1", 14: "example2" } }


project_id path string

A list of object IDs for which annotations should be returned.

formData string[]
201 Created
Query entities based on various constraints

POST /{project_id}/annotations/query-targets

Tags: annotations

Query entities based on various constraints

Entities are objects that can be referenced within CATMAID's semantic space, e.g. neurons, annotations or stack groups. This API allows to query them, mainly by annotations that have been used with them. Multiple annotation parameters can be used to combine different annotation sets with AND. Elements of one annotation parameter are combined with OR.


project_id path string

The name (or a part of it) of result elements.

formData string

A result element was annotated by a user with this ID.

formData integer

The earliest YYYY-MM-DD date result elements have been annotated at.

query string

The latest YYYY-MM-DD date result elements have been annotated at.

query string

A comma separated list of annotation IDs which all annotate the result elements.

formData integer

A comma separated list of annotation IDs which don't annotate the result elements.

formData integer

A comma separated list of annotation IDs that are contained in either 'annotated_with' or 'not_annotated_with' that get expanded to also include their sub-annotations in the query (of which then at least one has to match inclusion or exclusion respectively).

formData integer

Indicate if annotations of result elements should be returned.

formData boolean

Allowed result types. Multple types can be passed with multiple parameters. Defaults to 'neuron' and 'annotation'.

formData string

Indicates how results are sorted.

formData string

Indicates sorting direction.

formData string

The first result element index.

formData integer

The number of results

formData integer

Whether annoation references are IDs or names, can be 'id' or 'name.

formData string
201 Created
Get a collection of connectors.

POST /{project_id}/connectors/

Tags: connectors

Get a collection of connectors.

The connectors field of the returned object contains a list of all result nodes, each represented as a list of the form:

[id, x, y, z, confidence, creator_id, editor_id, creation_time, edition_time]

Both edition time and creation time are returned as UTC epoch values. If tags are requested, the tags field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus tag lists. If partners are requested, the partners field of the response object will contain a mapping of connector IDs versus lists of partner links. Each partner link is an array of the following format:

[link_id, treenode_id, skeleton_id, relation_id, confidence]

If both skeleton_ids and relation_type are used, the linked skeletons need to be linked by the specified relation. Without relation_type, linked skeletons can have any relation and without skeleton_ids a connector needs to have a least one link with the specified relation.



Project of connectors

path integer

Skeletons linked to connectors

formData string[]

Require a set of tags

formData string[]

Relation of linked skeletons to connector.

formData string

If connector tags should be fetched

formData boolean

If partner node and link information should be fetched

formData boolean
201 Created
Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in

GET /{project_id}/connectors/in-bounding-box

Tags: connectors

Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in bounding box.


project_id path string

Limit the number of returned nodes.

formData integer

Minimum world space X coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space X coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Whether to return the location of each connector.

formData float

Whether to return every individual link

formData float

Skeletons linked to connectors

formData string[]
200 OK
Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in

POST /{project_id}/connectors/in-bounding-box

Tags: connectors

Get a list of all connector nodes that intersect with the passed in bounding box.


project_id path string

Limit the number of returned nodes.

formData integer

Minimum world space X coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space X coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Whether to return the location of each connector.

formData float

Whether to return every individual link

formData float

Skeletons linked to connectors

formData string[]
201 Created
Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/connectors/links/

Tags: connectors

Get connectors linked to a set of skeletons.

The result data set includes information about linked connectors on a given input set of skeletons. These links are further constrained by relation type, with currently support available for: postsynaptic_to, presynaptic_to, abutting, gapjunction_with, tightjunction_with, desmosome_with.

Returned is an object containing an array of links to connectors and a set of tags for all connectors found (if not disabled). The link array contains one array per connector link with the following content: [Linked skeleton ID, Connector ID, Connector X, Connector Y, Connector Z, Link confidence, Link creator ID, Linked treenode ID, Link edit time].

A POST handler is able to accept large lists of skeleton IDs.


project_id path string

Skeletons to list connectors for

formData string[]

Relation of listed connector links

formData string

If connector tags should be fetched

formData boolean
201 Created
Get a list of available connector types.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/types/

Tags: connectors

Get a list of available connector types.

Returns a list of all available connector link types in a project. Each list element consists of an object with the following fields: type, relation, relation_id.

project_id path string
200 OK
Return information on a treenode connector edge.

GET /{project_id}/connectors/user-info

Tags: connectors

Return information on a treenode connector edge.

Returns a JSON array with elements representing information on the matched links. They have the following form:

{ "user": ..., "creaetion_time": ..., "edition_time": ... }

Developer node: This function is called often (every connector mouseover) and should therefore be as fast as possible. Analogous to user_info for treenodes and connectors.



Project of connectors

formData string[]

The treenode, the connector is linked to

formData integer

The connector, the treenode is linked to

formData integer

The relation ID of the link, can be used instead of relation_name

formData integer

The relation name of the link, can be used instead of relation_id

formData string
200 OK
Get detailed information on a connector and its partners

GET /{project_id}/connectors/{connector_id}/

Tags: connectors

Get detailed information on a connector and its partners

project_id path string
connector_id path string
200 OK
Get all section locations for all orientations.

GET /{project_id}/interpolatable-sections/

Tags: interpolatable-sections

Get all section locations for all orientations.

project_id path string
200 OK
List all labels (front-end node tags) in use.

GET /{project_id}/labels/

Tags: labels

List all labels (front-end node tags) in use.



Project containing node of interest

formData string
200 OK
List all labels (front-end node tags) in use alongside their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/labels/detail

Tags: labels

List all labels (front-end node tags) in use alongside their IDs.



Project containing node of interest

formData string
200 OK
Get usage statistics of node labels.

GET /{project_id}/labels/stats

Tags: labels

Get usage statistics of node labels.



Project from which to get label stats

formData string
200 OK
List all labels (front-end node tags) attached to a particular node.

GET /{project_id}/labels/{node_type}/{node_id}/

Tags: labels

List all labels (front-end node tags) attached to a particular node.



ID of node to list labels for

formData string

Either 'connector', 'treenode' or 'location'

formData string

Project containing node of interest

formData string
200 OK
List available landmarks, optionally only the ones in a set of landmark

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/

Tags: landmarks

List available landmarks, optionally only the ones in a set of landmark groups.



Project of landmark

path integer

Whether to return linked locations

formData string
200 OK
Add a new landmark. Expect at least the name as parameter.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/

Tags: landmarks

Add a new landmark. Expect at least the name as parameter.



Project of landmark

path integer

Name of new landmark

formData string
200 OK
List available landmark groups.

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/

Tags: landmarks

List available landmark groups.



Project of landmark groups

path integer

Whether to return group members

formData boolean

Whether to return linked locations

formData string

Whether to return location with their landmark names

formData string

Whether to return links to other groups

formData string

Whether to return a map of used relation IDs to their names

formData string
200 OK
Add a new landmarkgroup. Expect at least the name as parameter.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/

Tags: landmarks

Add a new landmarkgroup. Expect at least the name as parameter.



Project of landmark group

path integer

Name of new landmark group

formData string
200 OK
Import and link landmarks, landmark groups and locations.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/import

Tags: landmarks

Import and link landmarks, landmark groups and locations.

The passed in parameter is a list of two-element lists, each representing a group along with its linked landmark and locations. The group is represented by its name and the members are a list of four-element lists, containing the landmark name and the location. This results in the following format:

[[group_1_name, [[landmark_1_name, x, y, z], [landmark_2_name, x, y, z]]], ...]

Note that this parameter has to be transmitted as a JSON encoded string.



The project the landmark group is part of.

path integer

The data to import.

formData string

Whether existing groups should be reused.

formData boolean

Whether existing landmarks should be reused.

formData boolean

Whether non-existing groups should be created.

formData boolean

Whether non-existing landmarks should be created.

formData boolean
201 Created
Create all passed in landmarks along with a set of groups in one go.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/materialize

Tags: landmarks

Create all passed in landmarks along with a set of groups in one go.

The format for the passed in landmarks is expected to be [name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2], representing a shared landmark at locations (x1, y1, z1) for group A and (x2, y2, z2) for group B.

The format for the optionally passed in links is: [group_name_1, relation_name, group_name_2] elements, representing a relation between two groups. Whether group A and B map to 1 and 2 or vice versa depends on the semantics of the relation.



The project to operate in.

path integer

The name of landmark group A.

formData string

The name of landmark group B.

formData string

A list of landmark definitions for group B.

formData string

A list of link definitions between group A and B.

formData string

If existing landmarks can be reused, no error will be thrown if a landmark with the same name exists alrady.

formData string
201 Created
Get details on one particular landmarkgroup group, including its

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Get details on one particular landmarkgroup group, including its members.



The ID of the landmark group.

path integer

The project the landmark group is part of.

path integer

Whether to return group members

formData boolean

Whether to return linked locations

formData string

Whether to return linked landmark names

formData string
200 OK
Update an existing landmark group.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Update an existing landmark group.

Currently, only the name and group members can be updated. Edit permissions are only needed when removing group members.


landmarkgroup_id path string

The project the landmark group is part of.

path integer

The ID of the landmark group.

path integer

The new name of the landmark group.

formData string

The new members of the landmark group.

formData string[]

Whether the existing members should be extended by the passed in members. No members will be removed.

formData boolean
201 Created
Remove the link between a location and a landmark group.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Remove the link between a location and a landmark group.


The landmark group to link

path integer

Project of landmark group

path integer

Existing location ID

path integer
204 No Content
Link a location to a landmark group.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Link a location to a landmark group.


The landmark group to link

path integer

Project of landmark group

path integer

Existing location ID

path integer
200 OK
Get a list of landmark groups that are transitively linked to the

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/groups/{landmarkgroup_id}/transitively-linked

Tags: landmarks

Get a list of landmark groups that are transitively linked to the input group with the passed in relation.



The starting landmark group

path integer

Project of landmark groups

path integer

The relation a valid group link has to have

formData integer

(optional) Maximum number of hops from the source group. 0 to disable.

formData integer
200 OK
Delete one particular landmark.

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Delete one particular landmark.


The ID of the landmark.

path integer

The project the landmark is part of.

path integer
204 No Content
Get details on one particular landmark.

GET /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Get details on one particular landmark.

If locations are returned alongside the landmarks, they are all points that are linked to a particular landmark, regardless of which group the location is linked to.



The ID of the landmark.

path integer

The project the landmark is part of.

path integer

Whether to return linked locations

formData string
200 OK
Update an existing landmark.

POST /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Update an existing landmark.

Currently, only the name can be updated.



The ID of the landmark.

path integer

The project the landmark is part of.

path integer

The name of the landmark.

formData string
201 Created
Delete the link between a location and a landmark and a group and a

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/groups/{group_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Delete the link between a location and a landmark and a group and a location, if and only if both exist. If the last link to a location is deleted, the location is removed as well.


The group to unlink from

path integer

The landmark to unlink from

path integer

Project of landmark group

path integer

Wheter only links should be deleted and points should be kept.

path boolean
204 No Content
Add a new location or use an existing one and link it to a landmark.

PUT /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/locations/

Tags: landmarks

Add a new location or use an existing one and link it to a landmark.

Either (x,y,z) or location_id have to be provided.



The landmark to link

path integer

Project of landmark group

path integer

Optional existing location ID

formData integer

Optional new location X coodinate

formData float

Optional new location Y coodinate

formData float

Optional new location Z coodinate

formData float
200 OK
Delete the link between a location and a landmark. If the last link

DELETE /{project_id}/landmarks/{landmark_id}/locations/{location_id}/

Tags: landmarks

Delete the link between a location and a landmark. If the last link to a location is deleted, the location is removed as well.


The landmark to unlink

path integer

Project of landmark group

path integer

The location to unlink

path integer
204 No Content
List neurons matching filtering criteria.

GET /{project_id}/neurons/

Tags: neurons

List neurons matching filtering criteria.

The result set is the intersection of neurons matching criteria (the criteria are conjunctive) unless stated otherwise.

project_id path string

Filter for user ID of the neurons' creator.

query integer

Filter for user ID of the neurons' reviewer.

query integer

Filter for neurons with nodes created after this date.

query string

Filter for neurons with nodes created before this date.

query string

Filter for neurons with more nodes than this threshold. Removes all other criteria.

query integer
200 OK
Retrieve neuron IDs modeled by particular entities, eg skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/neurons/from-models

Tags: neurons

Retrieve neuron IDs modeled by particular entities, eg skeletons.

From a list of source entities (class instances), the IDs of all modeled neurons are returned. There are currently only skeletons that model neurons.


project_id path string

IDs of models to find neurons for (e.g. skeleton IDs)

formData string[]
201 Created
Rename a neuron.

POST /{project_id}/neurons/{neuron_id}/rename

Tags: neurons

Rename a neuron.

If a neuron is not locked by a user on which the current user has no permission, the name of neuron can be changed through this endpoint. Neuron names are currently not allowed to contain pipe characters ("|").



ID of neuron to rename

path integer
project_id path string

New name of the neuron

formData string
201 Created
Retrieve all nodes intersecting a bounding box

POST /{project_id}/nodes/

Tags: nodes

Retrieve all nodes intersecting a bounding box

The intersection bounding box is defined in terms of its minimum and maximum project space coordinates. The number of returned nodes can be limited to constrain query execution time. Optionally, lists of treenodes and connector IDs can be provided to make sure they are included in the result set, regardless of intersection.

Returned is an array with five entries, plus optionally a sixth one

[[treenodes], [connectors], {labels}, node_limit_reached, {relation_map}, {exstraNodes}]

The list of treenodes has elements of this form:

[id, parent_id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, edition_time, user_id]

The list connectors has elements of this form:

[id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, edition_time, user_id, [partners]]

The partners arrary represents linked partner nodes, each one represented like this:

[treenode_id, relation_id, link_confidence, link_edition_time, link_id]

If labels are returned, they are represented as an object of the following form, with the labels just being simple strings:

{treenode_id: [labels]}

The fourth top level entry, node_limit_reached, is a boolean that represents if there are more nodes available than the ones returned.

With the last top level element returned the present connector linked relations are mapped to their textural representations:

{relation_id: relation_name}


project_id path string

Whether linked connectors should be returned.

formData string[]

Whether tags should be returned.

formData string[]

Limit the number of returned nodes.

formData integer

Minimum world space X coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space X coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Either "json" (default) or "msgpack", optional.

formData string

Whether an ID to name mapping for the used relations should be included and which extent it should have.

formData string

Maximum number of the largest skeletons in view

formData integer

Maximum number of most recently edited skeletons.

formData integer

No nodes edited last by this user will be retuned.

formData integer
201 Created
List nodes with labels matching a query, ordered by distance.

POST /{project_id}/nodes/find-labels

Tags: nodes

List nodes with labels matching a query, ordered by distance.

Find nodes with labels (front-end node tags) matching a regular expression, sort them by ascending distance from a reference location, and return the result. Returns at most 50 nodes.


project_id path string

X coordinate of the distance reference in project space.

formData number

Y coordinate of the distance reference in project space.

formData number

Z coordinate of the distance reference in project space.

formData number

Regular expression query to match labels

formData string
201 Created
Get locations for a particular set of nodes in a project.

POST /{project_id}/nodes/location

Tags: nodes

Get locations for a particular set of nodes in a project.

A list of lists is returned. Each inner list represents one location and hast the following format: [id, x, y, z].


project_id path string

A list of node IDs to get the location for

formData string[]
201 Created
List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.

GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/

Tags: pointclouds

List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.



Project of the returned point clouds

path integer

Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned

formData bool

Wheter linked images should returned as well.

formData bool

Wheter linked points should returned as well.

formData bool

Number in [0,1] to optionally sample point cloud

formData number

A list of point cloud IDs to which the query is constrained.

path string[]
200 OK
List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.

POST /{project_id}/pointclouds/

Tags: pointclouds

List all available point clouds or optionally a sub set.



Project of the returned point clouds

path integer

Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned

formData bool

Wheter linked images should returned as well.

formData bool

Wheter linked points should returned as well.

formData bool

Number in [0,1] to optionally sample point cloud

formData number

A list of point cloud IDs to which the query is constrained.

path string[]
201 Created
Create a new pointcloud by providing.

PUT /{project_id}/pointclouds/

Tags: pointclouds

Create a new pointcloud by providing.



Project of the new point cloud

path integer

Name of the new point cloud

formData string

Description of the new point cloud

formData string

Points of point cloud in project space. Can be a stringified JSON array.

formData string[]

A group for which this point cloud will be visible exclusivly.

formData integer
200 OK
Delete a point cloud.

DELETE /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/

Tags: pointclouds

Delete a point cloud.

project_id path string
pointcloud_id path string
204 No Content
Return a point cloud.

GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/

Tags: pointclouds

Return a point cloud. parameters:

  • name: project_id description: Project of the returned point cloud type: integer paramType: path required: true
  • name: simple description: Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false
  • name: with_images description: Wheter linked images should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false
  • name: with_points description: Wheter linked points should returned as well. type: bool paramType: form required: false defaultValue: false
project_id path string
pointcloud_id path string
200 OK
Return a point cloud.

GET /{project_id}/pointclouds/{pointcloud_id}/images/{image_id}/

Tags: pointclouds

Return a point cloud. parameters:

  • name: project_id description: Project of the returned point cloud image type: integer paramType: path required: true
  • name: pointcloud_id description: Point cloud this image is linked to type: integer paramType: path required: true
  • name: image_id description: The image to load type: integer paramType: path required: true
image_id path string
project_id path string
pointcloud_id path string
200 OK
List points, optionally constrained by various properties.

GET /{project_id}/points/

Tags: points

List points, optionally constrained by various properties.


Project of points

path integer
200 OK
Add a new point. Expect at least the location as parameters.

PUT /{project_id}/points/

Tags: points

Add a new point. Expect at least the location as parameters.



Project of points

path integer

X coordinate

formData float

Y coordinate

formData float

Z coordinate

formData float

Optional radius

formData float

Optional confidence in [0,5]

formData integer
200 OK
Delete one particular point.

DELETE /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Tags: points

Delete one particular point.


ID of point

path integer

Project point is part of

path integer
204 No Content
Return details on one particular point.

GET /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Tags: points

Return details on one particular point.


ID of point

path integer

Project point is part of

path integer
200 OK
Update one particular point.

POST /{project_id}/points/{point_id}/

Tags: points

Update one particular point.

Requires at least one field to change.



ID of point

path integer

Project point is part of

path integer

X coordinate

formData float

Y coordinate

formData float

Z coordinate

formData float

Optional radius

formData float

Optional confidence in [0,5]

formData integer
201 Created
Get a collection of available samplers.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/

Tags: samplers

Get a collection of available samplers.

Optionally, the "skeleton_ids" parameter can provide a list of skeleton IDs. If this is the case, only samplers for the respective skeletons are returned.


project_id path string

Optional skeleton IDs to constrain result set to.

formData integer

Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results.

formData boolean

Optional flag to include all intervals of all domains. Implies with_domains.

formData boolean
200 OK
Create a new sampler for a skeleton.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/add

Tags: samplers

Create a new sampler for a skeleton.


project_id path string

Skeleton this sampelr is for

formData integer

Length of a intervals with domains (nm).

formData integer

Maximum allowed error for a single interval.

formData float

Whether reviews should be enforced in this sampler

formData boolean

Whether new nodes for interval boundaries should be created.

formData boolean

How leaf segments should be handled, can be 'ignore', 'merge' or 'short-interval'.

formData string

A leaf handling option for merge-or-create mode. A value between 0 and 1 representing the interval length ratio up to which a merge is allowed.

formData string
201 Created
Get a list of connectors that already have a state associated with them.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/connectors/

Tags: samplers

Get a list of connectors that already have a state associated with them.

If a connector is not part of this list it is implicetely assumed to be in an "untouched" state.


project_id path string

The interval all results should be part of

formData integer

The connector to get sampler information for

formData integer

The state all result sets have to have.

formData integer
200 OK
Get a list of all available connectors states and their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/connectors/states/

Tags: samplers

Get a list of all available connectors states and their IDs.

project_id path string
200 OK
Get a list of all available interval states.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/states/

Tags: samplers

Get a list of all available interval states.

project_id path string
200 OK
Set state of sampler connector

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/connectors/{connector_id}/set-state

Tags: samplers

Set state of sampler connector



Interval the connector is part of

formData integer
project_id path string

Connector to set state of

formData integer

The new state

formData integer
201 Created
Get details on a particular interval.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/details

Tags: samplers

Get details on a particular interval.

interval_id path string
project_id path string
200 OK
Set state of an interval.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/intervals/{interval_id}/set-state

Tags: samplers

Set state of an interval.



Interval to update state of

formData integer
project_id path string
201 Created
Get a list of all available domain types.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/types/

Tags: samplers

Get a list of all available domain types.

project_id path string
200 OK
Get details on a particular domain.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/details

Tags: samplers

Get details on a particular domain.

domain_id path string
project_id path string
200 OK
Get a collection of available sampler domains intervals.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/intervals/

Tags: samplers

Get a collection of available sampler domains intervals.



Domain to list intervals for

formData integer
project_id path string
200 OK
Create all intervals in a particular domain.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/domains/{domain_id}/intervals/add-all

Tags: samplers

Create all intervals in a particular domain.

domain_id path string
project_id path string
201 Created
Get a list of all available sampler states and their IDs.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/states/

Tags: samplers

Get a list of all available sampler states and their IDs.

project_id path string
200 OK
Get details on a particular sampler.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/

Tags: samplers

Get details on a particular sampler.



The sampler to return.

path integer

The project to operate in.

path integer

Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results.

formData boolean

Optional flag to include all intervals of all domains. Implies with_domains.

formData boolean
200 OK
Set fields of a particular sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/

Tags: samplers

Set fields of a particular sampler.



The sampler to return.

path integer

The project to operate in.

path integer

Optional flag to include all domains of all result sampler results.

formData boolean
201 Created
Delete a sampler if permissions allow it.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/delete

Tags: samplers

Delete a sampler if permissions allow it.

If the sampler was created with allowing the creation of new boundary nodes, these nodes are removed by default if they have not been modified since their insertion. This can optionally be disabled using the

<delete_created_nodes> parameter.


sampler_id path string
project_id path string

Optional flag to disable automatic removal of untouched nodes created for this sampler's intervals.

formData boolean
201 Created
Get a collection of available sampler domains.

GET /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/

Tags: samplers

Get a collection of available sampler domains.



Sampler to list domains for

formData integer
project_id path string
200 OK
Create a new domain for a sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/add

Tags: samplers

Create a new domain for a sampler.



Sampeler the new domain is part of

formData integer
project_id path string

The type of the new domain

formData integer

Start node of domain

formData integer

A list of all end nodes for the new domain

formData string[]

Optional parent inerval ID.

formData integer
201 Created
Create a new domain for a sampler.

POST /{project_id}/samplers/{sampler_id}/domains/add-all

Tags: samplers

Create a new domain for a sampler.

sampler_id path string
project_id path string
201 Created
List all available NBLAST configurations.

GET /{project_id}/similarity/configs/

Tags: similarity

List all available NBLAST configurations.



Project of the returned configurations

path integer

Wheter or not only ID and name should be returned

formData bool
200 OK
Create a new similarity/NBLAST configuration either by providing

PUT /{project_id}/similarity/configs/

Tags: similarity

Create a new similarity/NBLAST configuration either by providing parameters to have the back-end queue a job or by providing the complete matrix data.

project_id path string
200 OK
Delete a NBLAST configuration.

DELETE /{project_id}/similarity/configs/{config_id}/

Tags: similarity

Delete a NBLAST configuration.

project_id path string
config_id path string
204 No Content
Delete a NBLAST configuration.

GET /{project_id}/similarity/configs/{config_id}/

Tags: similarity

Delete a NBLAST configuration.

project_id path string
config_id path string
200 OK
List all available NBLAST similarity tasks.

GET /{project_id}/similarity/queries/

Tags: similarity

List all available NBLAST similarity tasks.



Project of the returned similarities

path integer

Return only similarities linked to this config

formData integer
200 OK
Compare two sets of objects (skeletons or point clouds) and return an

POST /{project_id}/similarity/queries/similarity

Tags: similarity

Compare two sets of objects (skeletons or point clouds) and return an NBLAST scoring based on an existing NBLAST configuration.



Project to operate in

path integer

ID of the new NBLAST configuration to use

formData integer

Set of objects (skeletons or point clouds) to query similarity for.

formData string[]

Set of objects (skeletons or point clouds) or point clouds to compare against.

formData string[]

Type of target objects, 'skeleton' or 'pointcloud'.

formData string

Name for the similarity lookup task

formData string

Whether and how scores should be normalized.

formData string

Whether to consider local directions in the similarity computation

formData boolean

Type of query data

formData string

Type of query data

formData string

Extra data for the selected query type. A JSON encoded string is expected.

formData string

Extra data for the selected target type. A JSON encoded string is expected.

formData string

Remove all target objects that appear also in the query.

formData boolean

Whether or not to simplify neurons and remove parts below a specified branch point level.

formData boolean

The required branch levels if neurons should be simplified.

formData boolean
201 Created
Delete a NBLAST similarity task.

DELETE /{project_id}/similarity/queries/{similarity_id}/

Tags: similarity

Delete a NBLAST similarity task.

project_id path string
similarity_id path string
204 No Content
Get a particular similarity query result.

GET /{project_id}/similarity/queries/{similarity_id}/

Tags: similarity

Get a particular similarity query result.

project_id path string
similarity_id path string
200 OK
Return a sparse connectivity matrix representation for the given skeleton

POST /{project_id}/skeleton/connectivity_matrix

Tags: skeleton

Return a sparse connectivity matrix representation for the given skeleton IDs. The returned dictionary has a key for each row skeleton having outgoing connections to one or more column skeletons. Each entry stores a dictionary that maps the connection partners to the individual outgoing synapse counts.



Project of skeletons

path integer

IDs of row skeletons

formData string[]

IDs of column skeletons

formData string[]

Whether or not to return locations of connectors

formData boolean
201 Created
List skeletons matching filtering criteria.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/

Tags: skeletons

List skeletons matching filtering criteria.

The result set is the intersection of skeletons matching criteria (the criteria are conjunctive) unless stated otherwise.

project_id path string

Filter for user ID of the skeletons' creator.

query integer

Filter for user ID of the skeletons' reviewer.

query integer

Filter for skeletons with nodes created after this date.

query string

Filter for skeletons with nodes created before this date.

query string

Filter for skeletons with more nodes than this threshold. Removes all other criteria.

query integer
200 OK
Get the cable length of a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/cable-length

Tags: skeletons

Get the cable length of a set of skeletons.

Returns a mapping from skeleton ID to cable length.



Project of landmark

path integer

IDs of the skeletons whose partners to find

formData string[]
201 Created
Get a compact treenode representation of a list of skeletons, optionally

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/compact-detail

Tags: skeletons

Get a compact treenode representation of a list of skeletons, optionally with the history of individual nodes and connectors.

Returns, in JSON, [[nodes], [connectors], {nodeID: [tags]}], with connectors and tags being empty when 0 == with_connectors and 0 == with_tags, respectively.

Each element in the [nodes] array has the following form:

[skeleton_id, id, parent_id, user_id, location_x, location_y, location_z, radius, confidence].

Each element in the [connectors] array has the following form, with the third element representing the connector link as 0 = presynaptic, 1 = postsynaptic, 2 = gap junction, -1 = other:

[treenode_id, connector_id, 0|1|2|-1, location_x, location_y, location_z]

If history data is requested, each row contains a validity interval. Note that for the live table entry (the currently valid version), there are special semantics for this interval: The upper bound is older than or the same as the lower bound. This is done to encode the information of this row being the most recent version and including the original creation time at the same time, plus it requires less queries on the back-end to retireve data. This requires the client to do slightly more work, but unfortunately the original creation time is needed for data that was created without history tables enabled.


project_id path string
formData string

Whether linked connectors should be returned.

formData boolean

Whether tags should be returned.

formData boolean

Whether history information should be returned for each treenode and connector.

formData boolean

Whether the history of arbors merged into the requested skeleton should be returned. Only used if history is returned.

formData boolean

Whether a node index should be returned that maps node IDs to the list of reviews done on them, respects history parameter.

formData boolean

Whether the list of linked annotations should be returned. If history should be returned, returns all link versions.

formData boolean

Whether all result elements should contain also the creator ID.

formData boolean
201 Created
Get a synaptic graph between skeletons compartmentalized by confidence.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/confidence-compartment-subgraph

Tags: skeletons

Get a synaptic graph between skeletons compartmentalized by confidence.

Given a set of skeletons, retrieve presynaptic-to-postsynaptic edges between them, annotated with count. If a confidence threshold is supplied, compartmentalize the skeletons at edges in the arbor below that threshold and report connectivity based on these compartments.

When skeletons are split into compartments, nodes in the graph take an string ID like {skeleton_id}_{compartment #}.


project_id path string

IDs of the skeletons to graph

formData string[]

Confidence value below which to segregate compartments

formData integer

Bandwidth in nanometers

formData number

Cable spread in nanometers

formData number

IDs of the skeletons to expand

formData string[]

IDs of link types to respect

formData string[]
201 Created
Retrieve a list of down/up-stream partners of a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity

Tags: skeletons

Retrieve a list of down/up-stream partners of a set of skeletons.

From a queried set of source skeletons, find all upstream and downstream partners, the number of synapses between each source and each partner, and a list of reviewers for each partner set. Confidence distributions for each synapse count are included. Optionally find only those partners that are common between the source skeleton set.


project_id path string

IDs of the skeletons whose partners to find

formData string[]

Whether to find partners of any source skeleton ("OR") or partners common to all source skeletons ("AND")

formData string

Whether to return detailed connectivity information that includes partner sites.

formData voolean

A list of allowed link types: incoming, outgoing, abutting, gapjunction, tightjunction, desmosome, attachment, close_object.

formData string[]
201 Created
Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity-counts

Tags: skeletons

Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

Returns an object with to fields. The first, connectivity, is a mapping from skeleton ID to objects that map a relation ID to connectivity count for that particular relation. The second field of the returned object, relations, maps relation IDs used in the first field to relation names.



Project of work in

path integer

Whether to count partner links or links to a connector.

path boolean

A list of pre-connector relations that have to be used

formData string[]

A list of post-connector relations that have to be used

formData string[]

IDs of the skeletons whose partners to count

formData string[]
200 OK
Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity-counts

Tags: skeletons

Get the number of synapses per type for r a set of skeletons.

Returns an object with to fields. The first, connectivity, is a mapping from skeleton ID to objects that map a relation ID to connectivity count for that particular relation. The second field of the returned object, relations, maps relation IDs used in the first field to relation names.



Project of work in

path integer

Whether to count partner links or links to a connector.

path boolean

A list of pre-connector relations that have to be used

formData string[]

A list of post-connector relations that have to be used

formData string[]

IDs of the skeletons whose partners to count

formData string[]
201 Created
Return a CSV file that represents the connectivity matrix of a set of row

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity_matrix/csv

Tags: skeletons

Return a CSV file that represents the connectivity matrix of a set of row skeletons and a set of column skeletons.



Project of skeletons

path integer

IDs of row skeletons

formData string[]

IDs of column skeletons

formData string[]
201 Created
Import a neuron modeled by a skeleton from an uploaded file.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/import

Tags: skeletons

Import a neuron modeled by a skeleton from an uploaded file.

Currently only SWC representation is supported.


A skeleton representation file to import.

project_id path string

If specified, the imported skeleton will model this existing neuron.

formData integer

If specified, the name of a new neuron will be set to this.

formData string
201 Created
Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/in-bounding-box

Tags: skeletons

Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding box. Optionally, only a subsed of passed in skeletons can be tested against.


project_id path string

Limit the number of returned nodes.

formData integer

Minimum world space X coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space X coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Z coordinate

formData float

A minimum number of nodes per result skeleton

formData float

A minimum number of cable length per result skeleton

formData float

Alternative to manual bounding box definition. The bounding box of the volume is used.

formData integer

An optional list of skeleton IDs that should only be tested againt. If used, the result will only contain skeletons of this set.

formData string[]
200 OK
Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/in-bounding-box

Tags: skeletons

Get a list of all skeletons that intersect with the passed in bounding box. Optionally, only a subsed of passed in skeletons can be tested against.


project_id path string

Limit the number of returned nodes.

formData integer

Minimum world space X coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Minimum world space Z coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space X coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Y coordinate

formData float

Maximum world space Z coordinate

formData float

A minimum number of nodes per result skeleton

formData float

A minimum number of cable length per result skeleton

formData float

Alternative to manual bounding box definition. The bounding box of the volume is used.

formData integer

An optional list of skeleton IDs that should only be tested againt. If used, the result will only contain skeletons of this set.

formData string[]
201 Created
Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/node-labels

Tags: skeletons

Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs


project_id path string

IDs of the labels to find skeletons associated with

formData string[]

Alternative to label_ids to pass in a list label names.

formData string[]
200 OK
Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/node-labels

Tags: skeletons

Return relationship between label IDs and skeleton IDs


project_id path string

IDs of the labels to find skeletons associated with

formData string[]

Alternative to label_ids to pass in a list label names.

formData string[]
201 Created
Retrieve the review status for a collection of skeletons.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/review-status

Tags: skeletons

Retrieve the review status for a collection of skeletons.

The review status for each skeleton in the request is a tuple of total nodes and number of reviewed nodes (integers). The reviews of only certain users or a reviewer team may be counted instead of all reviews.


project_id path string

IDs of the skeletons to retrieve.

formData string[]

ID of the user whose reviewer team to use to filter reviews (exclusive to user_ids)

formData integer

IDs of the users whose reviews should be counted (exclusive to whitelist)

formData string[]
201 Created
Get the number of samplers associated with each skeleton in the passed in

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/sampler-count

Tags: skeletons

Get the number of samplers associated with each skeleton in the passed in last.


Project of skeleton

path integer

IDs of the skeleton to get the sampler count for.

path string[]
201 Created
Find skeletons within a given L-infinity distance of a treenode.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/within-spatial-distance

Tags: skeletons

Find skeletons within a given L-infinity distance of a treenode.

Returns at most 100 results.


project_id path string

ID of the origin treenode to search around

formData integer

L-infinity distance in nanometers within which to search

formData integer

Whether to return skeletons with only one node in the search area (1) or more than one node in the search area (0).

formData integer
201 Created
Get the cable length for a skeleton

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/cable-length

Tags: skeletons

Get the cable length for a skeleton


IDs of the skeleton to get the cable length for

path integer

Project of landmark

path integer
200 OK
Get a compact treenode representation of a skeleton, optionally with the

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/compact-detail

Tags: skeletons

Get a compact treenode representation of a skeleton, optionally with the history of individual nodes and connectors.

Returns, in JSON, [[nodes], [connectors], {nodeID: [tags]}], with connectors and tags being empty when 0 == with_connectors and 0 == with_tags, respectively.

Each element in the [nodes] array has the following form:

[id, parent_id, user_id, location_x, location_y, location_z, radius, confidence].

Each element in the [connectors] array has the following form, with the third element representing the connector link as 0 = presynaptic, 1 = postsynaptic, 2 = gap junction, -1 = other:

[treenode_id, connector_id, 0|1|2|-1, location_x, location_y, location_z]

If history data is requested, each row contains a validity interval. Note that for the live table entry (the currently valid version), there are special semantics for this interval: The upper bound is older than or the same as the lower bound. This is done to encode the information of this row being the most recent version and including the original creation time at the same time, plus it requires less queries on the back-end to retireve data. This requires the client to do slightly more work, but unfortunately the original creation time is needed for data that was created without history tables enabled.


skeleton_id path string
project_id path string

Whether linked connectors should be returned.

formData boolean

Whether tags should be returned.

formData boolean

Whether history information should be returned for each treenode and connector.

formData boolean

Whether the history of arbors merged into the requested skeleton should be returned. Only used if history is returned.

formData boolean

Whether a node index should be returned that maps node IDs to the list of reviews done on them, respects history parameter.

formData boolean

Whether the list of linked annotations should be returned. If history should be returned, returns all link versions.

formData boolean

Whether all result elements should contain also the creator ID.

formData boolean

Whether result skeletons should be ordered by ID.

formData boolean
200 OK
List nodes in a skeleton with labels matching a query.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/find-labels

Tags: skeletons

List nodes in a skeleton with labels matching a query.

Find all nodes in this skeleton with labels (front-end node tags) matching a regular expression, sort them by ascending path distance from a treenode in the skeleton, and return the result.


skeleton_id path string
project_id path string

ID of the origin treenode for path length distances

formData integer

Regular expression query to match labels

formData string
201 Created
Export a morphology-only skeleton in neuroglancer's binary format.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/neuroglancer

Tags: skeletons

Export a morphology-only skeleton in neuroglancer's binary format.

skeleton_id path string
project_id path string
200 OK
Get information on a skeleton's treenodes, reviews and labels.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/node-overview

Tags: skeletons

Get information on a skeleton's treenodes, reviews and labels.


The skeleton to get information on

path integer

The project to operate in

path integer
200 OK
List open leaf nodes in a skeleton.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/open-leaves

Tags: skeletons

List open leaf nodes in a skeleton.

Return a list of the ID and location of open leaf nodes in a skeleton, their path length distance to the specified treenode, and their creation time.

Leaves are considered open if they are not tagged with a tag matching a particular regex.

.. note:: This endpoint is used interactively by the client so performance is critical.


skeleton_id path string
project_id path string

ID of the origin treenode for path length distances

formData integer
201 Created
Export skeleton as a set of segments with per-node review information.

POST /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/review

Tags: skeletons

Export skeleton as a set of segments with per-node review information.

Export the skeleton as a list of segments of non-branching node paths, with detailed information on reviewers and review times for each node.


skeleton_id path string
project_id path string

If provided, only the subarbor starting at this treenode is returned.

formData integer
201 Created
Retrieve ID and location of the skeleton's root treenode.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/root

Tags: skeletons

Retrieve ID and location of the skeleton's root treenode.

skeleton_id path string
project_id path string
200 OK
Get the number of samplers associated with this skeleton.

GET /{project_id}/skeletons/{skeleton_id}/sampler-count

Tags: skeletons

Get the number of samplers associated with this skeleton.


ID of the skeleton to get the sampler count for.

path integer

Project of skeleton

path integer
200 OK
Get the largest skeletons based on cable length.

GET /{project_id}/stats/cable-length

Tags: stats

Get the largest skeletons based on cable length.


project_id path string

How many skeletons should be returned

formData integer
200 OK
Get the total number of edited nodes per user.

GET /{project_id}/stats/editor

Tags: stats

Get the total number of edited nodes per user.

project_id path string
200 OK
Get the total number of created nodes per user.

GET /{project_id}/stats/nodecount

Tags: stats

Get the total number of created nodes per user.


project_id path string

Whether data added through imports should be respected.

formData boolean
200 OK
Get per user contribution statistics

GET /{project_id}/stats/user-history

Tags: stats

Get per user contribution statistics

A date range can be provided to limit the scope of the returned statiscis. By default, the statistics for the last ten days is returned. The returned data includes created cable length, the number of created synaptic connections and the number of reviews made, per day and user.


project_id path string

If provided (YYYY-MM-DD), only statistics from this day on are returned (inclusive).

formData string

If provided (YYYY-MM-DD), only statistics to this day on are returned (inclusive).

formData string

Optional time zone for the date range, e.g. "US/Eastern"

formData string
200 OK
Get a collection of all available transactions in the passed in project.

GET /{project_id}/transactions/

Tags: transactions

Get a collection of all available transactions in the passed in project.


project_id path string

The first result element index.

formData integer

The maximum number result elements.

formData integer
200 OK
Try to associate a location in the passed in project for a particular

GET /{project_id}/transactions/location

Tags: transactions

Try to associate a location in the passed in project for a particular transaction.


project_id path string

Transaction ID in question

formData integer

Execution time of the transaction

formData string

Optional label of the transaction to avoid extra lookup

formData string
200 OK
Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of elements of the

POST /{project_id}/treenodes/compact-detail

Tags: treenodes

Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of elements of the following form is returned:

[ID, parent ID, x, y, z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, edition_time, user_id]

The returned edition time is an epoch number.



Project to work in

formData string

A list of treeonde IDs to return information on

formData string

A list of label IDs that must be linked to result treenodes. Alternative to explicit treenode IDs and label names.

formData string

A list of label names that must be linked to result treenodes. Alternative to explicit treenode IDs and label IDs

formData string

A list of skeleton IDs that result skeletons have to be part of.

formData string
201 Created
Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of the following form

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/compact-detail

Tags: treenodes

Retrieve node information in a compact form. A list of the following form is returned:

[ID, parent ID, x, y, z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, edition_time, user_id]

The returned edition time is an epoch number.

project_id path string
treenode_id path string
200 OK
Update confidence of edge between a node to either its parent or its

POST /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/confidence

Tags: treenodes

Update confidence of edge between a node to either its parent or its connectors.

The connection between a node and its parent or the connectors it is linked to can be rated with a confidence value in the range 1-5. If connector links should be updated, one can limit the affected connections to a specific connector. Returned is an object, mapping updated partners to their old confidences.


project_id path string
treenode_id path string

New confidence, value in range 1-5

formData integer

Whether all linked connectors instead of parent should be updated

formData boolean

Limit update to a set of connectors if to_connector is true

formData string[]

Set different confidences to connectors in <partner_ids>

formData string[]
201 Created
Retrieve skeleton and neuron information about this treenode.

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/info

Tags: treenodes

Retrieve skeleton and neuron information about this treenode.

project_id path string
treenode_id path string
200 OK
List suppressed virtual nodes along the edge to this node.

GET /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/

Tags: treenodes

List suppressed virtual nodes along the edge to this node.

project_id path string
treenode_id path string
200 OK
Suppress a virtual treenode along the edge to this node.

POST /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/

Tags: treenodes

Suppress a virtual treenode along the edge to this node.

Suppress a virtual treenode along the edge between this treenode and its parent from being traversed during normal topology navigation and review.


project_id path string
treenode_id path string

Stack orientation to determine which axis is the coordinate of the plane where virtual nodes are suppressed. 0 for z, 1 for y, 2 for x.

formData integer

Coordinate along the edge from this node to its parent where virtual nodes are suppressed.

formData number
201 Created
Unsuppress a virtual treenode.

DELETE /{project_id}/treenodes/{treenode_id}/suppressed-virtual/{suppressed_id}

Tags: treenodes

Unsuppress a virtual treenode.

suppressed_id path string
project_id path string
treenode_id path string
204 No Content
Get a collection of all available volumes.

GET /{project_id}/volumes/

Tags: volumes

Get a collection of all available volumes.



Project to operate in

path integer

Only return specified volumes

formData string[]
200 OK
Create a new volume

POST /{project_id}/volumes/add

Tags: volumes

Create a new volume

The ID of the newly created volume is returned. Currently, box volumes and triangle meshes are supported. Which one is created depends on the "type" parameter, which can be either set to "box" or to "trimesh".

If a triangle mesh should be created, the "mesh" parameter is expected to hold the complete volume. It is expected to be a string that encodes two lists in JSON format: [[points], [triangles]]. The list of points contains lists of three numbers, each one representing a vertex in the mesh. The array of triangles also contains three element lists as items. Each one represents a triangle based on the points in the other array, that are referenced by the triangle index values.


project_id path string

Type of volume to create

formData string

Title of volume

formData string

An optional comment

formData string

Triangle mesh

formData string

Minimum x coordinate of box

formData integer

Minimum y coordinate of box

formData integer

Minimum z coordinate of box

formData integer

Maximum x coordinate of box

formData integer

Maximum y coordinate of box

formData integer

Maximum z coordinate of box

formData integer
201 Created
Retrieve a mapping of volume IDs to entity (class instance) IDs.

POST /{project_id}/volumes/entities/

Tags: volumes

Retrieve a mapping of volume IDs to entity (class instance) IDs.

project_id path string

A list of volume IDs to map

query string
201 Created
Import triangle mesh volumes from an uploaded files.

POST /{project_id}/volumes/import

Tags: volumes

Import triangle mesh volumes from an uploaded files.

Currently only STL representation is supported.


Triangle mesh file to import. Multiple files can be provided, with each being imported as a mesh named by its base filename.

project_id path string
201 Created
Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query

GET /{project_id}/volumes/skeleton-innervations

Tags: volumes

Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query always returns list of all SKIDs but all data (about both skeletons) is contained in the first SKID in the list - if this changes, write an else statement for: len(cleanResults) >1.



The project to operate in

path integer

Constrain results to these skeletons

formData string[]

An annotation potential target volumes need to have

formData string

A minimum number of nodes result skeleton need to have.

formData boolean

A minimum number of cable length esult skeleton need to have.

formData boolean
200 OK
Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query

POST /{project_id}/volumes/skeleton-innervations

Tags: volumes

Test environment only contains two skeletons - based on that, sql query always returns list of all SKIDs but all data (about both skeletons) is contained in the first SKID in the list - if this changes, write an else statement for: len(cleanResults) >1.



The project to operate in

path integer

Constrain results to these skeletons

formData string[]

An annotation potential target volumes need to have

formData string

A minimum number of nodes result skeleton need to have.

formData boolean

A minimum number of cable length esult skeleton need to have.

formData boolean
201 Created
Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

DELETE /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/

Tags: volumes

Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

The result will contain the bounding box of the volume's geometry and the actual geometry encoded in X3D format. The response might might therefore be relatively large.

volume_id path string
project_id path string
204 No Content
Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

POST /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/

Tags: volumes

Get detailed information on a spatial volume or set its properties..

The result will contain the bounding box of the volume's geometry and the actual geometry encoded in X3D format. The response might might therefore be relatively large.

volume_id path string
project_id path string
201 Created
Export volume as a triangle mesh file.

GET /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/export\.(P{extension}\w+)

Tags: volumes

Export volume as a triangle mesh file.

The extension of the endpoint and ACCEPT header media type are both used to determine the format of the export.

Supported formats by extension and media type:

  • model/stl, model/x.stl-ascii: ASCII STL
volume_id path string
project_id path string
extension path string
200 OK
Test if a point intersects with the bounding box of a given volume.

GET /{project_id}/volumes/{volume_id}/intersect

Tags: volumes

Test if a point intersects with the bounding box of a given volume.

volume_id path string
project_id path string

X coordinate of point to test

query number

Y coordinate of point to test

query number

Z coordinate of point to test

query number
200 OK