Configuration options

A CATMAID instance an be configured mainly through the file, which is located in the django/projects/mysite directory. Along with (which is not supposed to be edited) the instance configuration is defined. Settings defined in can be overridden in Below is an explanation of all available settings.


Controls how many asyncronous Celery workers are allowed to run. This controls how many asyncronous tasks can be processed in parallel.


The maximum number of nodes that should be retrieved for a bounding box query as it is used to render tracing data. If set to None, no limit will be applied which can be slighly faster if node limiting isn’t necessary in most cases.


This variable takes a list of node provider names, which are iterated during a node query as long as no result data is found. The next provider, if any, is only used if the current node provider either doesn’t match the request or decides it can’t provide a useful answer. An entry can either by a single node provider name (e.g. “postgis2d”) or a tuple (name, options) to pass in additional options for a node provider. Possible node provider names are: postgis2d, postgis2dblurry, postgis3d ans postgis3dblurry. In addition to these, cache table can be configured, which allows the use of the following node proviers: cached_json, cached_json_text, cached_msgpack.


This setting specifies whether or not two default data views will be created during the initial migration of the database and is True by default. It is typically only useful if the DVID or JaneliaRender middleware are in use and doesn’t have any effect after the initial migration.


Control how many co-processes can be spawned from an async (Celery) worker. This means if MAX_PARALLEL_ASYNC_WORKERS is set to 3 and assuming CELERY_WORKER_CONCURRENCY is set to 2, asyncronous procerssing in CATMAID can be expected to use a maximum f 6 processes.


This option controls the maximum allowed requests size that the client application is allowed to send in bytes. By default this is set to 10 MB. If a requests exceeds this limit, error code 400 is returned.


To write to CATMAID through its API using an API token, users need to have a dedicated “API write” permission, called “Can annotate project using API token” in the admin UI. To allow users with regular annotate permission to write to the backend using the API, this variable can be set to False. The default value is True.


If enabled, each spatial update (e.g placing, updating or deleting treenodes, connectors, connector links) will trigger a PostgreSQL event named “catmaid.spatial-update”. This allows cache update workers to update caches quickly after a change. Disabled by default.


Can be a JSON string or dictionary that keeps default values for the whole instance for the client settings. Keys of the dictionary are the client-settings values, e.g. “neuron-name-service”. The values are the settings values in the format the front-end expects. For instance, to show by default all annotations that are labeled with “neuron name” as textual representation of neurons, this line could be used:

CLIENT_SETTINGS = ‘{“neuron-name-service”: {“component_list”: [{“id”: “skeletonid”, “name”: “Skeleton ID”}, {“id”: “neuronname”, “name”: “Neuron name”}, {“id”: “all-meta”, “name”: “All annotations annotated with "neuron name"”, “option”: “neuron name”}]}}’

By default, no settings are set and this value is None.


By default, existing client settings won’t be replaced if they exist already. To force a replace, set this variable to True.


A list that defines folders with additional CMTK template spaces that can be used with e.g. elmr or the nat.virtualflybrains R packages. Empty by default.

The absolute local path where the static extension files are kept. These can
be loaded by the front-end to include custom out-of-source extensions in the
front-end (e.g. a custom widget). Defaults to <catmaid-paith>/django/staticext.

The URL under which custom front-end code can be made available. It is expected to map to STATIC_EXTENSION_ROOT and is by default set to to <catmaid-subdir>/staticext/.

A list of file names that are allowed to be loaded by the front-end through
Whether or not a matching user group should be created for every newly
created user. This can make user management easier if a lot of shared data
access is configured.
Whether or not a user registration form requires users to accept a set of
terms and conditions. Disabled by default.
The terms and conditions users need to accept upon registering, if this
confirmation is required.
If enabled, logged in users will only see other users when they share a
project token. Disabled by default.