Data replication

CATMAID is designed for collaborative work, possibly from many different places around the world. The latency that users experience to load data increases with the distance they are away from both the server hosting a CATMAID instance and the source of the image data. In order to speed up read access to the data, both image data and the CATMAID database can be replicated (mirrored) to other locations, that would be closer to the users. Below, both image stack mirrors and database replication is discussed in more detail.

Stack mirrors

Multiple image mirrors can be configured for each stack in CATMAID through the admin interface. All stack mirrors are available to the front-end when loading a particular stack. If its canary location is reachable, the stack is used. Otherwise the next one is tried and so on. This makes it possible to have also network internal mirrors for faster access, parallel to slower public hosts.

Database replication

The CATMAID front-end can read data from different servers. This is mainly useful for large amounts of data, e.g. neuron reconstructions, meshes or large connectivity matrices. For writing and reading of most small information, CATMAID will still talk to the primary server though. The replication server (replica) will mirror data from the primary server and update automatically using the physical replication capabilities of Postgres. Still, the replication server needs to run a regular CATMAID instance (possibly through Docker), which effectively is read-only.

Physical replication in Postgres performs a byte-by-byte copy of the database, based on the Write Ahead Log (WAL). Therefore it is important that both the primary server and all replicas run the same Postgres version. CATMAID requires Postgres 11 at the moment.

Reachability and secure communication

Replica servers need to be able to log in to the primary Postgres server. This means there needs to be an open port that makes the primary server reachable from the replicas. This could mean opening a port in the server or network firewall, depending on the setup. If the firewall can be configured to only allow incoming requests from the particular replica IP, then is typically a good idea to do for the sake of security. One other aspect is, that it often reduces server load if non-standard ports are used (to lower random login requests), especially if popular applications like Postgres are involved. For instance, Postgres’ default port is 5432, so a pragmatic unassigned public port might be 7432. To allow Postgres to only listen on the local loopback interface and route incoming traffic on port 7432, the following stream block can be used in an Nginx configuration on the primary server, after the respective streaming module was loaded:

# Enable TCP streaming
load_module modules/;

stream {
  upstream postgres_db {

  server {
    # Forward this port to the internal Postgres database. This is
    # used for the replication user.
    listen 7432;
    proxy_pass postgres_db;

In case Postgres should be reachable directly, make sure the listen_addresses setting in postgresql.conf is set to your network interface correctly. With a port forwarding like above, this is not needed.

With Postgres being reachable from the outside, the primary server can now be configured for replication. Given that data is transmitted to replication servers, it is a good idea to encrypt this traffic. For this a self-signed certificate can be used, but if the server has already a certificate, this can be used as well. The private key and certificate need to readable by Postgres, which is typically run by the postgres user. Then SSL can be enabled in the postgresql.conf file:

ssl = on
ssl_cert_file = '/etc/ssl/postgresql/cert/server.crt'
ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/postgresql/private/server.key'

Let the point to the respective files on your system and make sure Postgres can read them.

Configure the primary

If replicas can connect to Postgres, they need to login. Use a dedicated replication user for this. Login to Postgres (sudo -u postgres psql) and create a new user, enable proper password encryption and set a strong password:

SET password_encryption = 'scram-sha-256';
\password replication_user

Next, Postgres needs to be told to use the WAL for replication. Edit postgresql.conf and apply the following settings:

wal_level = replica
max_wal_senders = 3 # max number of walsender processes
wal_keep_segments = 64 # in logfile segments, 16MB each; 0 disables

The replica value for the wal_level is the default. The number of kept WAL segments should be enough for most setups, but on write heavy setups, it is advisable to also enable WAL archiving, using the placeholders %p for the full path of the archive file and %f for the filename only:

archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'rsync -a %p postgres@replica:/opt/postgresql_wal/%f'

This copies the WAL segments to a place that has to be accessible by all replicas. If e.g. rsync is used like above, make sure to setup SSH access by public key. On most setup, WAL archiving is likely not needed though.

The last step on the primary server is to allow the replication user to login. Add the following line to your pg_hba.conf file:

hostssl     replication     replication_user      scram-sha-256

Replace with the IP of the replica or the subnet of multiple replicas are used.

Finally, Postgres on the primary server has to be restarted.

Configure the replica

With the primary server ready, the replica has to be configured as well. First, the replica Postgres has to be stopped. Edit postgresql.conf and give the same (or similar, depending on hardware) configuration as on the primary. This way, this server can act as a failover server of the primary goes down. Also, add the following line:

hot_standby = on

Next the Postgres data directory (data_directory in postgresql.conf) will be prepared for the replication. If it contains your postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf and/or certificates, make a backup of those files. Now this is done, delete all files in this data directory. Warning: this will remove all databases in this Postgres instance!

Now the data of the primary server has to be copied over using pg_basebackup. This has to be done as the postgres user:

sudo -u postgres pg_basebackup -h -p 7432 \
    -P --checkpoint=fast -U replication_user  -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/

Assuming /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/ is our data directory and is the primary database server, listening on port 7432, this command should ask you for the password of the replication user on the primary and print progress information. This will take a while, depending on your database size, because all the data from the primary server is copied over.

Of course the replica shouldn’t write on its own to the database, instead it should follow the primary. In order to do that, make the following settings available in postgresql.conf:

primary_conninfo      = ' port=7432 user=replication_user password=<password>'
promote_trigger_file = '/tmp/MasterNow'
#restore_command = 'cp /opt/postgresql_wal/%f "%p"

To let the cluster know that it runs in standby mode, create the file standby.signal in the Postgres data directory (/var/lib/postgresql/11/main/ in this example). This file needs to be owned by the postgres user and the postgres group.


In Postgres 11, the setup was done by creating a file named recovery.conf in the Postgres data directory with the following content, instead of the postgresql.conf changes above):

primary_conninfo = ‘ port=7432 user=replication_user password=<password>’ promote_trigger_file = ‘/tmp/MasterNow’ #restore_command = ‘cp /opt/postgresql_wal/%f “%p” standby_mode = ‘on’

This file needs to be owned by the postgres user and the postgres group.

This configuration makes Postgres start as a standby (read-only) server. It will automatically contact the primary server to stay up-to-date. If the file /tmp/MasterNow exists, Postgres will stop replication and become a primary. If archive_command was used on the primary, the restore_command has to be uncommented and configured.

Now the replica can be started. A line similar to the following should show up in the log:

started streaming WAL from primary at FD6/EB000000 on timeline 1

On the primary server, replicas should be visible in a query like this:

select * from pg_stat_activity  where usename = 'replication_user' ;

Configure CATMAID

To load all neuron reconstruction data from a replica instead of the primary server, the replica has to be set up as a fully working read-only CATMAID instance. Being read-only doesn’t need to be configured separately, because the replica database doesn’t allow writes anyway.

With this done, the main CATMAID instance can now be configured to use the replica server for read-only data. To do so, two different aspects have to be configured in the Settings Widget. First, the remote CATMAID server has to be added as “Other CATMAID instance”. Once this is done, the Read-only mirror index setting in the Tracing Overlay section can be set to the 1-based index of the entry in the list of other CATMAID instances. With this, the tracing layer will use the respective remote server to load tracing data except for the active node. Empty values, -1 or 0 will disable the use of a database replica.